Why RCI?
As the world’s largest time share exchange company, RCI offers direct exchange access to over 5,300 resorts worldwide. Rather than owning a single timeshare in one location, RCI provides members with the opportunity to visit thousands of resorts worldwide!
Sellers: We know that one of the greatest selling points for your timeshare isn’t the accommodations or amenities—It’s the exchanges! When you sell your RCI affiliated Time Share on our website, we can help you to market that you are not just selling ONE resort, you are selling thousands! Our qualified specialists will help you explain to the potential buyer exactly how RCI works, and why it benefits them. Most importantly, the RCI membership is easily transferred to the new owner, and our staff can point you in the right directly to obtain a Membership Transfer Application. The new buyer pays a small fee and voila—they are entitled to all the benefits that you enjoyed for so long. You can even include in your asking price any weeks that you have banked for extra cash in your pocket. So don’t delay—get started on selling your RCI affiliated time share resort by filling out the Info Pack on this website today!!
Buyers: As if the rock-bottom prices of timeshare resales on our website weren’t reason enough, we have an even better reason to buy resale from our company! When you purchase an RCI affiliated time share resort from one of our owners, you get all the benefits of an RCI membership for a very small transfer fee! With this, you are not just purchasing a specific unit at a specific resort, you are buying access to over 4,000 resorts worldwide, as well as getaway vacations, discounted airfare, car rentals, hotels, cruises and more! With RCI affiliated time share resorts in over 100 countries, you can use your timeshare resale to explore the entire world. So start browsing our listings now, look for RCI affiliated resorts, or give us a call to find your next RCI timeshare resale purchase!